Explore Cloud and Different Compute Options to Run Your Application in the Cloud


The decision to migrate your application to the cloud involves understanding a variety of compute options along with their management responsibilities. This article will delve into what cloud means in terms of subscriber and cloud provider privileges for various services such as traditional on-premises, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Container as a Service (CaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Function as a Service (FaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The objective is to clarify the management roles between the subscriber and the cloud provider for each of these services, helping you make informed decisions about which cloud computing model best suits your application needs.

What is Cloud in Terms of Subscriber and Cloud Providers Privileges?

The cloud offers a shift from traditional computing, where everything is managed in-house, to a more flexible arrangement where computing resources are accessed over the internet and managed by an external provider. This shift not only reduces the operational burdens of managing physical servers but also provides scalable resources on demand. Understanding who manages what in this context is crucial for leveraging cloud capabilities effectively.

Traditional On-premises

  • Subscriber Manages Everything: In a traditional on-premises setup, the subscriber (usually the business or application owner) is responsible for managing the entire IT infrastructure. This includes hardware, networking, software, and any other related services. The advantage here is complete control over the computing environment, but it comes with the responsibility of managing security, maintenance, and upgrades.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Cloud Provider Manages Physical Infrastructure: When using IaaS, the cloud provider manages the physical infrastructure, including servers, storage, and networking components. Subscribers, on the other hand, manage the operating systems, applications, and data. This model offers a higher degree of flexibility compared to traditional on-premises solutions, as it allows users to scale resources up or down based on demand.

Container as a Service (CaaS)

  • Cloud Provider Manages the Container Environment: CaaS provides a hosting environment for containerized applications, where the cloud provider manages the container orchestration, scaling, and availability. This frees subscribers to focus on the application development and deployment without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  • Cloud Provider Manages Runtime, Middleware, OS: With PaaS, the cloud provider further abstracts the management tasks by handling not only the infrastructure but also the runtime, middleware, and operating systems. Subscribers are only responsible for managing the applications and services they deploy. This model greatly simplifies application development, as many infrastructure concerns are offloaded to the cloud provider.

Function as a Service (FaaS)

  • Cloud Provider Manages Everything but the Code: FaaS takes this abstraction a step further by allowing developers to deploy individual pieces of code to be executed based on specific triggers or events. The cloud provider manages all aspects of the environment, scaling, and execution. The developer simply focuses on writing the function code, without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Cloud Provider Manages Everything: SaaS represents the most significant shift in management responsibilities, with the cloud provider managing everything from the infrastructure to the application itself. Subscribers access the software over the internet, typically through a web browser. This setup is ideal for applications that do not require customization and can be used as provided by the vendor.


Choosing the right compute option requires a balance between control and convenience. While traditional on-premises solutions offer the highest degree of control, they also come with the greatest management responsibility. At the other end of the spectrum, SaaS offloads almost all management tasks to the cloud provider, offering unparalleled convenience but limited flexibility. Between these extremes lie various cloud computing models such as IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, and FaaS, each offering different levels of abstraction and management responsibilities. Understanding these distinctions is essential for selecting the cloud computing model that best matches your application requirements and business strategy.


Notes from:https://www.thecloud<>.dev/


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